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Writer: Ashish kumarAshish kumar

Updated: Jun 18, 2019

This Season, In association with the beautiful team at the Hipster Cafe, we Team Wortham feels immense pleasure and pride to help these poor children. We started this campaign three years ago with a goal of spreading smiles and pure love for a better world for them at least. we have started the change, hold hands to do the same.

You earn a penny and share it with someone more needful than you." That's Add on's more Worthiness to it. This is what wortham stands for. This is what wortham believes in. So proudly with all Humility we are initiating this noble cause once again.

Gulzar Says is true,

उमर ने तलाशी ली तो जेब से लम्हे बरामद हुए कुछ ग़म के थे, कुछ नम थे, कुछ टूटे बस कुछ ही सही सलामत मिले जो बचपन के थे.

We discovered the joy and happiness by providing food to these young kids with hope in their eyes. We witnessed the utmost satisfaction one feels!! One of our interns came with the idea and gave them a piece of paper and asked them to write or draw whatever they wanted to....some drew duck some drew imaginary characters which were interesting. They even taught the kids how to write their names and played games like ludo and tic tac toe with them. We are glad that kids like Aarti, Rajnandini, Aarif, Mukesh, Shankar, Neha and many more like them gave us the privilege to interact with each one of them. We thank each and everyone involved in this beautiful campaign.

What Wortham Says

बचपन के उन्ही लम्हों मे मासूम सी हँसी भरने उम्मीद की पलकों से हम खुशियाँ लाए हैं पनाह मिल जाए रूह को जिनका हाथ छूने से उन्ही नन्हे हाथों के फरिश्तों के लिए ये आशाएँ हैं !

We feel proud in sharing this video for Wortham's initiative आशाएँ 3.0, a step to feed the needful ones like Deepak, Rahul, Ankit, Arun, Brijesh, Nishu, Punita, Nirahu, Sabit, Aarib. Ankush, Arti, Mukesh, Kushnaaz, Chand, Sahil, Ivran, Vishal, Shankar (appeared in this video)

A must watch at one minute 20 Seconds . He is a two-year-old kid, named Chand. Try to connect with the euphoric emotion of eternal love for his sister Khushnaaz when he is feeding her with the help of someone else. Too mesmerizing! Share this video and spread love and smiles :)

Cheers to the successful

आशाएं 3.0 - An initiative by Wortham | बांटिए खुशियां बिना Tax के


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